Learning Christ
The first church was devoted to "learning Christ", which led them to create a bridge, a path, a long on-ramp to move people from their previous way of life, to the new world that is life in Jesus. As a church, we are building that same pathway in order to grow in knowing, trusting, and following God in everyday life as a community of disciples.
DISCIPLESHIP: Grow in the Way of Jesus with Others.
Discipleship is a word used in the Bible that is about growing in faith and Christ-likeness, with the help of a church family. Everyone’s spiritual journey is unique, and yet, we can encourage and refine one another simply by growing and learning together.
During our Sunday morning worship gatherings, we group up to learn together. These are small and informal groups of 3-4 people that form up during various moments of the Sunday message. These groups are meant to grow your understanding of Jesus’ life, and to build spiritual practices into your weekly rhythms.
The first Jesus followers devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer (Acts 2:42). These practices are a really good and simple foundation for a church, and we are seeking authentic expressions of these practices in the life of our church family.
Jesus authorized and commanded his followers to go out and train everyone we meet, far and near, in his way of life, marking them by baptism in the Name of God who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Every week, we are all reading the same Scriptures and trying on the same Spiritual Practices to help us know, trust, and follow God in everyday life as a community of disciples. Jesus promised to be with us as we do this, day after day, until heaven and earth are reunited (Matthew 28:19-20).